along-track data format: pass no time in seconds (refer to 1985.1.1) lat lon sla orbit error cycles ------------------------------------------------ gridded data The time in the names of the file denote the beginning of the data. spatial coverage: 50N-82N with resolution of 0.5*0.5 degree size: 65*721 lat: 50:0.5:82 lon: 0:0.5:360 missed value: 999. Left bottom coordinate(50N,0E), Right bottom coordinate(50N, 360E) ------------------------------------------------- more questions about the data, please contact Ole B. Andersen Yongcun Cheng -------------------------------------------------- updates: gridded: the interpolation error of 6 cm is applied as a threshold to the data north of 65N gridded2: the interpolation error of 6 cm is applied as a threshold to the data north of 50N