--------------------------------------- Readme for the Magboltz cross sections. --------------------------------------- The N2 and O2 files contain respectively 140 CSs and 158 CSs. All the CSs come one after the others. The format is for each: 3 lines of header followed by the data as following The header contains CS name CS type (0: Total, 1: Elastic, 2: Excitation, 3: Ionization, 4: Attachment, 5: Bremsstrahlung) CS energy threshold And the 10000 data points containing Energ, total cross section, 1 - \epsilon The \epsilon is the one from the work of Okhrimovskyy (2002) (Take care it is 1-\epsilon in the file) It is to be used to calculate the deviation angle \Xhi after a collision by: cos(\Xhi) = 1-2U\epsilon/(1+(1-\epsilon)*(1-2*U)) with U an uniform random number. ----------------------------------------- To cite: @article{BiagiWEB, title={Magboltz: Transport of electrons in gas mixtures}, author={Biagi, S}, journal={CERN program library, http://magboltz.web.cern.ch/magboltz/}, year={2005} } @article{Biagi1999, title={{M}onte {C}arlo simulation of electron drift and diffusion in counting gases under the influence of electric and magnetic fields}, author={Biagi, S}, journal={Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, volume={421}, number={1}, pages={234--240}, year={1999}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{Okhrimovskyy2002, title={Electron anisotropic scattering in gases: A formula for {M}onte {C}arlo simulations}, author={Okhrimovskyy, A and Bogaerts, A and Gijbels, R}, journal={Physical Review E}, volume={65}, number={3}, pages={037402}, year={2002}, publisher={APS} }