program gbin cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c g b i n c c program for converting a text grid into binary or the reverse. c the grid file may only contain one grid. c c a direct access file format is used for binary files. c one record consist of 16 floating point (real*4) numbers = 64 bytes. c due to the use of real*4, binary files will not work on machines c with a single precision word length different from 4 bytes, in c this case the 'recl' must be changed in the open statements below. c c input: c c ifile c ofile c mode (1: txt-> bin, 2: bin->txt, 3: bin->txt integers) c c if ofile = '0' is specified no output is produced (useful for a check). c c (c) rene forsberg oct 89, updated dec 89 c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character*36 ifile,ofile character*12 dirall,unfall logical libin,lobin,litxt,lotxt,lutm,lint real*4 grow(30000) data grow/30000*0.0/ igrow = 30000 c write(*,10) 10 format(' input: inputfile'/' outputfile'/ .' outputformat (1: bin, 2: txt, 3: txt int)') read(*,11) ifile read(*,11) ofile 11 format(a36) read(*,*) mode litxt = (mode.eq.1) libin = ( lotxt = ( lobin = (mode.eq.1) lint = (mode.eq.3) if (ofile.eq.'0') lotxt = .false. if (ofile.eq.'0') lobin = .false. c call openg(10,ifile,libin) write(*,*) 'Openied' litxt = (.not.libin) if (lobin) open(20,file=ofile,form='unformatted',status='unknown', .access='direct',recl=64) if (lotxt) open(20,file=ofile,status='unknown') c if (libin) write(*,20) 20 format(' --- G B I N ---'/' conversion from binary format') if (litxt) write(*,21) 21 format(' --- G B I N ---'/' conversion from text format') c nunk = 0 rmin = 999999.99 rmax = -999999.99 rsum = 0.0 rsum2 = 0.0 c if (libin) then read(10,rec=1) icode,rfi1,rfi2,rla1,rla2,dfi,dla,lutm,iell,izone if ( stop 'binary check code 777 missing' else read(10,*) rfi1,rfi2,rla1,rla2,dfi,dla lutm = (abs(rfi1).gt.100.or.abs(rfi2).gt.100) if (lutm.and.litxt) read(10,*) iell,izone endif nn = (rfi2-rfi1)/dfi + 1.5 ne = (rla2-rla1)/dla + 1.5 write(*,30) 30 format(' grid label:') if (.not.lutm) write(*,31) rfi1,rfi2,rla1,rla2,dfi,dla if (lutm) write(*,32) rfi1,rfi2,rla1,rla2,dfi,dla,iell,izone 31 format(' ',4f12.6,2f12.7) 32 format(' ',6f12.0,/,' ',2i4) write(*,33) nn,ne,nn*ne 33 format(' number of points in grid: ',2i7,i9) if ( stop 'rows in grid too long - change igrow' c if (lobin) write(20,rec=1) .777,rfi1,rfi2,rla1,rla2,dfi,dla,lutm,iell,izone if (lotxt.and.(.not.lutm)) write(20,31) .rfi1,rfi2,rla1,rla2,dfi,dla if (lotxt.and.lutm) write(20,32) .rfi1,rfi2,rla1,rla2,dfi,dla,iell,izone c do 40 i = nn, 1, -1 if (litxt) read(10,*) (grow(j),j=1,ne) if (libin) call inrow(10,grow,i,nn,ne) if (lotxt.and.lint) write(20,35) (nint(grow(j)),j=1,ne) if (lotxt.and.(.not.lint)) write(20,36) (grow(j),j=1,ne) 35 format(100(/,' ',12i6)) 36 format(100(/,' ',8f9.3)) if (lobin) call outrow(20,grow,i,nn,ne) do 40 j = 1, ne rr = grow(j) if ( nunk = nunk+1 if ( goto 40 if ( rmin = rr if ( rmax = rr rsum = rsum + rr rsum2 = rsum2 + rr**2 40 continue c n = nn*ne - nunk if ( rsum2 = sqrt((rsum2 - rsum**2/n)/(n-1)) if (n.le.1) rsum2 = 0 if ( rsum = rsum/n write(*,50) rsum,rsum2,rmin,rmax,nunk 50 format(' mean min max unknown/9999',/, .' ',4f9.2,i9,/) c close(20) end c subroutine openg(iunit,name,ldirac) cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c o p e n g c c this subroutine will open a grid file to either a text or c binary direct access format file. the code '777' must be first c value in binary file, for details see 'gbin' program c 'ldirac' is true for a direct access file, false for a text file c c (c) rene forsberg, kms, dec 89 c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc logical ldirac character*36 name ldirac = .true. open(unit=iunit,file=name, .status='old',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=64,err=10) read(iunit,rec=1,err=11) icode if (icode.eq.777) return 11 close(iunit) 10 ldirac = .false. open(unit=iunit,file=name, .status='old',form='formatted') return end c subroutine inrow(iunit,grow,i,nn,ne) ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c i n r o w c c reads one row of the grid in binary direct access format. the row c records are starting from the north. 'iunit' must be opened with c a record length equal to 16 reals c c (c) rf dec 89 c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real*4 grow(*) jrec = (ne-1)/16 irec = (nn-i)*(jrec+1)+2 do 10 j = 0, jrec 10 read(iunit,rec=(irec+j)) (grow(j*16+k),k=1,16) return end c subroutine outrow(iunit,grow,i,nn,ne) cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c o u t r o w c c write records on direct access format, to be input by 'inrow' c c (c) rf dec 89 c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real*4 grow(*) jrec = (ne-1)/16 irec = (nn-i)*(jrec+1)+2 do 10 j = 0, jrec 10 write(iunit,rec=(irec+j)) (grow(j*16+k),k=1,16) return end