# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Sphinx Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: setup .. autofunction:: init_bibtex_cache .. autofunction:: purge_bibtex_cache .. autofunction:: process_citations .. autofunction:: process_citation_references .. autofunction:: check_duplicate_labels """ import docutils.nodes from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.cache import Cache from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes import bibliography from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.roles import CiteRole from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.directives import BibliographyDirective from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.transforms import BibliographyTransform def init_bibtex_cache(app): """Create ``app.env.bibtex_cache`` if it does not exist yet. Reset citation label dictionary. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` """ if not hasattr(app.env, "bibtex_cache"): app.env.bibtex_cache = Cache() def purge_bibtex_cache(app, env, docname): """Remove all information related to *docname* from the cache. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param env: The sphinx build environment. :type env: :class:`sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment` """ env.bibtex_cache.purge(docname) def process_citations(app, doctree, docname): """Replace labels of citation nodes by actual labels. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param doctree: The document tree. :type doctree: :class:`docutils.nodes.document` :param docname: The document name. :type docname: :class:`str` """ for node in doctree.traverse(docutils.nodes.citation): key = node[0].astext() try: label = app.env.bibtex_cache.get_label_from_key(key) except KeyError: app.warn("could not relabel citation [%s]" % key) else: node[0] = docutils.nodes.label('', label) def process_citation_references(app, doctree, docname): """Replace text of citation reference nodes by actual labels. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param doctree: The document tree. :type doctree: :class:`docutils.nodes.document` :param docname: The document name. :type docname: :class:`str` """ # XXX sphinx has already turned citation_reference nodes # XXX into reference nodes for node in doctree.traverse(docutils.nodes.reference): # exclude sphinx [source] labels if isinstance(node[0], docutils.nodes.Element): if 'viewcode-link' in node[0]['classes']: continue text = node[0].astext() if text.startswith('[') and text.endswith(']'): key = text[1:-1] try: label = app.env.bibtex_cache.get_label_from_key(key) except KeyError: app.warn("could not relabel citation reference [%s]" % key) else: node[0] = docutils.nodes.Text('[' + label + ']') def check_duplicate_labels(app, env): """Check and warn about duplicate citation labels. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param env: The sphinx build environment. :type env: :class:`sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment` """ label_to_key = {} for info in env.bibtex_cache.bibliographies.itervalues(): for key, label in info.labels.iteritems(): if label in label_to_key: app.warn( "duplicate label for keys %s and %s" % (key, label_to_key[label])) else: label_to_key[label] = key def setup(app): """Set up the bibtex extension: * register directives * register nodes * register roles * register transforms * connect events to functions :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` """ app.add_directive("bibliography", BibliographyDirective) app.add_role("cite", CiteRole()) app.add_node(bibliography) app.add_transform(BibliographyTransform) app.connect("builder-inited", init_bibtex_cache) app.connect("doctree-resolved", process_citations) app.connect("doctree-resolved", process_citation_references) app.connect("env-purge-doc", purge_bibtex_cache) app.connect("env-updated", check_duplicate_labels)