display2d : true $ linel : 100 $ leftjust : true $ unorder()$ orderless(A, B, C)$ set_tex_environment_default("@f[", "@f]~%")$ texput_list(l) := map(lambda([x], apply(texput, x)), l)$ texput_list([ [ice_heat_capacity, "c_{pI}"], [ocean_heat_capacity, "c_{pW}"], [S_B, "S^B"], [S_W, "S^W"], [gamma_s, "\\gamma_S"], [gamma_t, "\\gamma_T"], [T_S, "T^S"], [Theta_W, "\\Theta^W"], [nounify(T_B), "T^B"], [nounify(Theta_B), "\\Theta^B"], [grad_T, "\\nabla T"], [melt_rate, "w_b"], [ocean_density, "\\rho_W"], [ice_density, "\\rho_I"], [ice_thickness, "h"], [ice_thermal_diffusivity, "\\kappa"] ])$ /* $\dot h$ is defined to me minus the melt rate */ h_dot : - melt_rate$ delta_T : T_S - T_B$ /* heat flux at the ice-brine interface */ Qti(grad_T) := ice_density * ice_heat_capacity * ice_thermal_diffusivity * grad_T$ /* heat flux into the ocean (due to melting) */ Qtb : ice_density * h_dot * L$ /* heat flux into the ocean mixed layer */ Qtm : ocean_density * ocean_heat_capacity * gamma_t * (Theta_B - Theta_W)$ /* salinity in the ice */ S_I : 0$ /* salinity flux into the ice */ Qsi : 0$ /* salt flux at the base (10) */ Qsb : ice_density * h_dot * (S_B - S_I)$ /* salinity flux into the mixed ocean layer */ Qsm : ocean_density * gamma_s * (S_B - S_W)$ /* parameterization of the melting point temperature */ T_B(S_B, ice_thickness) := a[1] + a[0] * S_B + a[2] * ice_thickness$ /* parameterization of the potential temperature corresponding to the melting point */ Theta_B(S_B, ice_thickness) := b[1] + b[0] * S_B + b[2] * ice_thickness$