/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package mxgstest.chapters; import mxgsegse.MXGSEGSE; import mxgstest.MxgsTestException; import mxgstest.Output; import mxgstest.sections.*; /** * * @author egse */ public class Chapter6 { MXGSEGSE egse; Output output; /** * * @param egse * @param output */ public Chapter6(MXGSEGSE egse,Output output) { this.egse = egse; this.output = output; } public void run() throws Throwable { Section5_01 section = new Section5_01(egse, output); output.printSectionStart("6.1"); try{ section.step5_1_1(); // section.step5_1_2(); section.step5_1_3(); section.step5_1_4(); section.step5_1_5(); section.step5_1_6(); // section.step5_1_7(); // section.step5_1_8(); section.step5_1_9(); section.step5_1_10(); // section.step5_1_11(); section.step5_1_12(); section.step5_1_13(); section.step5_1_14(); // section.step5_1_15(); section.step5_1_16(); section.step5_1_17(); // section.step6_1_18(); // section.step6_1_19(); // section.step6_1_20(); // section.step6_1_21(); } catch(MxgsTestException e) { throw e; } output.printSectionEnd("6.1"); Section6_03 section3 = new Section6_03(egse, output); output.printSectionStart("6.3"); try{ section3.step6_3_1(); section3.step6_3_2(); } catch(MxgsTestException e) { throw e; } output.printSectionEnd("6.3"); Section6_04 section4 = new Section6_04(egse, output); output.printSectionStart("6.4"); try{ section4.step6_4_1(); } catch(MxgsTestException e) { throw e; } output.printSectionEnd("6.4"); Section6_05 section5 = new Section6_05(egse, output); output.printSectionStart("6.5"); try{ section5.step6_5_1(); section5.step6_5_2(); } catch(MxgsTestException e) { throw e; } output.printSectionEnd("6.5"); } }