Catalogs of ISSW, OSA4 found sources Niels J. westergaard 2004-09-24 PV, GPS, and GCDE JMX1 and JMX2 observations in revolutions from 6 to ~210 have been analyzed in a search for source with a DETSIG limit of 14. Four energy intervals have been setup: 3-6, 6-10, 10-15, and 15-25 keV. There are likewise 8 FITS files: j1surcat4_0.fits, ..., j1surcat4_3.fits plus the analoguous ones for JMX2 with the columns: SWID 12A The 12 digit SWID string NAME 25A As assigned from gnrl_refr_0010.fits RA_OBJ 1E In degrees DEC_OBJ 1E In degrees NCOUNTS 1J Total number of counts in shadowgram PEAKSIZE 1E Number of counts in source peak DETSIG 1E Detection significance OFFAXIS 1E Off axis angle [degrees] FLUX 1E Coarse vignetting corrected flux [cts/s] EXPOSURE 1E Exposure time [s] For the next version: A 'unique' catalog has been constructed i.e. a catalog where each source appears only once. Their names are jisurcat4_unique_0.fits, ..., jisurcat4_unique_3.fits The algorithm is as follows: For given source search the jisurcat4t of the catalog to find the sources within a radius of 0.05 deg (3 arcmin). Calculate the average position and repeat the search for sources to include - the position may have changed until no more sources are found within the radius limit. Then the 'unique' catalog is updated and the next source is analyzed. The columns in the jisurcat4_unique_i.fits files are: RA_OBJ 1E Average RA, weighted with DETSIG DEC_OBJ 1E Average DEC, weighted with DETSIG SRCNAME1 20A Source name from DSRI_CAT_002.fits SRCNAME2 20A Source name from gnrl_refr_cat_0014.fits SRCNAME3 20A Source name from nl_cat_combine_2.fits SOURCE_ID 20A Source ID from gnrl_refr_cat_0014.fits NUMFIND 1J Number of times this source appears in jisurcat4_n.fits LIST_INT 1PJ(2000) List of row numbers (start with 0) in jisurcat4_n.fits