2013-02-04 Photon files produced in /home/njw/yorick/mraytrace/nustar4/P002 p_FM1_10keV_0.00arcmin.fits p_FM1_10keV_5.00arcmin.fits p_FM1_30keV_0.00arcmin.fits p_FM1_30keV_5.00arcmin.fits p_FM1_50keV_0.00arcmin.fits p_FM1_50keV_5.00arcmin.fits p_FM1_70keV_0.00arcmin.fits p_FM1_70keV_5.00arcmin.fits Columns: DETX [mm] photon position in focal plan DETY [mm] photon position in focal plan RAYX Component of unit photon velocity vector RAYY Component of unit photon velocity vector RAYZ Component of unit photon velocity vector ANGLE_IN1 [rad] grazing angle of incoming ray, first reflection ANGLE_OUT1 [rad] grazing angle of outgoing ray, first reflection ANGLE_IN2 [rad] grazing angle of incoming ray, second reflection ANGLE_OUT2 [rad] grazing angle of outgoing ray, second reflection AZIMUTH [rad] Azimuth of impact point on telescope aperture MIRROR layer number ENERGY [keV] Energy of photon RCOEF Combined (product) reflection coefficient*) for both reflections STATUS See below**) BOUNCE 0 - no bounces, 1 - only hit upper mirror, 2 - only hit lower mirror, 3 - hit both (two reflections) I1Z [mm] Z position of photon impact point on first mirror I2Z [mm] Z position of photon impact point on second mirror *) The simple calculation i.e. NOT the detailed ML + non-uniformity modelling. **) The STATUS value: 0 The photon made it to the focal plane without obstruction > 0 and < 200 The photon hit the structure in the optic. 201 The photon hit the aperture stop, otherwise OK.