* 6.0.0 170112 Rename V5.1.34 to V6.0.0 * 6.0.0 180112 Introduces LC generation and burst detection * 6.0.7 180913 Modified log and reg files to include %11.6lf burst start and stop times, and add obsID * 6.0.8 180916 Block writing of burst images in sky_ima files. Assure output of light curves for user sources in srcl_lc.fits * 6.0.9 180918 Reinstate writing of burst images in sky_ima files. * 6.0.10 181001 Assured initialization of Tslices[].GlobalLC[]-array * 6.0.11 181009 Indicate bad status in FUNedge if local_calling_num has been upset * 6.0.12 181010 Test version to locate index error in FUNedge * 6.0.13 181209 Update definition of edgeXmm and edgeYmm in work2d.c * 6.0.14 190111 Corrected error writing user sources into iros_lc files. Introduction of 'reord' array. * 6.0.15 190114 Corrected error writing source light curves into reg-files. * 6.0.16 190117 'reord' array (as defined in 'srclres') is moved to struct 'log_con' and used in 'Write_LC' * 6.0.17 190118 secure consistency between source names and ID's between 'srcl_res' and 'iros_lc' files * 6.0.18 190122 Protect against 'dontUse'-neigbor time bins in burst search. Transfer mean and error for light curves to reg files * 6.0.19 190129 Include greyfilter correction into burst search. * 6.1.0 190216 Testet version for release * 6.1.01 190307 Restrict light curve analysis to interval RTSTART to RTSTOP * 6.1.02 190321 Introduce the use of timeStart/timeStop from parameter values * by adding to struct 'log_con' alias 'logger' * 6.1.03 190605 Correct error in j_iir_Write_LC.c causing empty iros_lc.fits light c. (JeromeA) (retain light curves with missing lines) * 6.1.04 190624 OBSOLETE version DO NOT USE !! Searching for error causing empty light curves * 6.1.05 190708 Correct error causing confusion between SLX 1744-300 and SLX 1744-299 (JeromeC) (tighter Xdec check in work2d) * 6.1.06 190804 Search for error reported by Carlo Ferreigno on 10190622: * "Uncertainties in spectral bins are highly underestimated - particularly for bins with lower than average * signal in the particular bin" - This prevents meaningful integration of signal from weak sources across scws. * The problem was traced to 'final-sky.c' where (in line 353) peakcount[0] and [1] was forced to 1.0 if the * peakval value found by 'peaktransfer.c' was less than 0.0. Conclusion: line 353 must be commented out. This is done in 6.1.07. * 6.1.07 190809 Correction of error reported by Carlo Ferreigno on 10190622: * "Uncertainties in spectral bins are highly underestimated - particularly for bins with lower than average * signal in the particular bin" - This prevents meaningful integration of signal from weak sources across scws. * Line 353 in final_sky.c is commented out. * 6.1.08 190830 Ensure that the light curves and srcl_res data for all flag-1 sources are output, also in cases where several * flag-1 sources cannot be cleanly separated (SLX 1744-300/-299 as one example) (JeromeD) * 6.1.09 190905 Ensure that header comments in all source files reflects the current file name. (Only modifies comment lines !) * 6.1.10 190910 Avoid double extraction of light curves (causing 'CONFUSED ID') * 6.1.11 190915 Detsig values: In iros_lc-values: based on light-curve data, in srcl_res: based on imaging data * Type of element: Headerfile * Part of package: j_ima_iros *****************************************************************/ #ifndef J_IMA_IROS_INCLUDED #define J_IMA_IROS_INCLUDED